Tuesday, July 14, 2009

last full day in europe

so i'm in paris staying at cousin anne's apartment with anais. anne has been in portugal and is returning sometime tonight, meaning we'll have one evening of catching up before i head back to the u.s. tomorrow. anais is just about ready to go into paris, so heres a quick list of updates:

hia was amazing, and actually managed to hold true to its "life-changing experience" reputation. that said, the big news is that i've decided not to go to grad school for social work and follow that path into policy or ngos or whatnot, but to instead attempt to make a career of what i really want to be doing all the time - taking pictures. so my life plan is to become a documentary photographer/photojournalist. for some reason i feel really great and rather secure about this right now. ask me again in a few months.

my few days in berlin were also great. what a wonderful city that is... every time i'm there i ask myself why i don't actually live there - perhaps that will be fixed with a wonderful photo assignment someday.

seeing anais is lovely as ever, though true conversation is more difficult with my diminishing german skills. this will be remedied by living in berlin!

all in all this has been a really great summer, and, as usual, i can't believe it's almost over. for now i'm going to go make some coffee and sit down to a nice french breakfast with anais.

see you soon, usa!

1 comment:

  1. Ok!I just about posted a comment while signed in as Lena--so lost the whole thing--ah time flies by and I am extremely happy about yr decision to follow your dream of photographing life; food, people hey check out Danny n Nova's site longsandersphotos.com They are doing what you want to be doing too--in Africa now--I'm so so happy for HIA and your great summer --talk soon. xoxoxox
