Wednesday, June 24, 2009

ah, time!

i can't believe it's already june 24th, and nearly the end of the formal section of hia. tomorrow we're going to have a presentation about the bosnian conflict from the two fellows from bosnia, then a lecture about rwanda, then something about the functionings of post-conflict societies in general. while i'm excited to hear about these topics, it will actually be strange to shift away from denmark-centered themes, as we really haven't done that at all. i was kind of disappointed going into the program about how focused the whole thing was solely on danish issues, but now i'm actually really happy with the rather in depth and critical view we've gotten to take into danish society. we've visited a center for asylum seekers, a maximum security prison, danish parliament, the ministry of integretion, a center for drug addicted prostitutes, an alternative school for homeless and alcoholic adults, a center for arctic studies (with a focus on greenland) and probably other amazing places that i'm forgetting at the moment. we've also heard lectures on related subjects and also various issues such as immigration and asylum seeking, free speech, social marginilization, human trafficking, then more specific subjects such as a discussion of a cafe for mentally ill immigrants and their families or the psychological and social difficulties facing greenlandic youth and families. so many interesting subjects it's absolutely overwhelming! tonight i have to email the program coordinator three potential topics that i'd like to write about for my action project, which is an article i'll be writing with a danish fellow after doing qualitative research, likely in the form of interviews. i'm thinking of a) something do to with the mental health of immigrant children who have to spend years of their childhood in asylum centers b) perceptions of immigrant women among ethnic danes or c) perceptions of identity among greenlanders living in denmark surrounding issues of sovereignty and control over national decisions in greenland. this last subject is one fresh in my mind after today's lectures, and also one that i had never even considered. of course i knew greenland existed, but i'm not sure i knew that denmark still owned it, and i certainly didn't know what sort of terrible crises they're facing. teenage pregnancy, horrible alcoholism, incredibly high rates of sexual abuse, violence, and vast unemployment plague the country, just as they're gaining more independence. also, only 56,000 people live in greenland! it's really a rather fascinating place.

so, these are the things that have been occupying my days, and many evenings for the past weeks. last night, however, we had the priviledge of having a midsummer night's party where we joined thousands of other copenhageners for an evening of grilling on the beach and general merriment to celebrate summer, and oh, witch burning. weird, huh? they burn effigies of witches on pyres in the water and sing songs and eat lots of food. no one could really explain the tradition, but i must say i whole-heartedly enjoyed it. then after only a few hours of sleep and another super busy day today we indulged in a leisurely tourist boatride along the canals, soaking up some sun and catching new views of the gorgeous city of copenhagen. 75 degree weather and no rain really allows for a different vantage point.

well, i'm gonna go get ready for something closer to a full night's sleep. love to you all!


  1. Just fabulous Ursi, so proud of you! Auntie G

  2. thanks, gretchen! be back in p-town in less than a month now, i can hardly believe it!
