Wednesday, June 3, 2009

first day

arrived early - flight landed at 6:30, got to the hostel at about 8:00, stored my luggage, and set out on the town. the flight was actually only five hours, affording me three hours of sleep tops. yikes. i called sylvie around 9:00 to see if she was still here and it turns out she left this afternoon, allowing us time to grab coffee and do a quick catch-up on what's been going on in our lives over the past two years. being back here in new york and hanging out with her both seemed so normal, it was kind of surprising how nice and easy it was. after that she had to head back to work, so i meandered over to the international center for photography to check out the restrospective of richard avedon's fashion photography. while i very much enjoyed the show and was wowed by much of his composition and framing, i definitely prefer his more artistic portraiture to the pure fashion stuff. after that i wandered some more, making my way to central park for a little afternoon nap in the sun. while i felt a little bit embarrassed about the sort of bum move, i was so freaking exhausted i decided the 8 million new yorkers who might walk by and see me would just have to deal with it. turned out to be fine. strangely enough it was two girls discussing the bible while eating a lovely looking picnic that drew me back to the waking world.
after that little sojourn around midtown i hopped on the subway back up to our hostel where i met the other 49 american fellows, kicking off our grand adventure. lots of kids from harvard and yale, but still lots of friendly folks who actually seem interested and passionate about things i'm interested in, which is pretty cool and pretty rare. we hung out, went to an intro with the two women who founded the program (who told us, "don't try to out drink a dane" and "if/when you have sex with someone else on the program, don't let it distract you from why you're really here) and ate a lovely dinner at a strange little diner above a grocery store. oh, new york. and oh free food, travel, and new friends. here i go!


  1. wow, i'm suprised at how practical they are in their advice. who trys to out drink someone anyway, though?
    you don't look like a bum and it was day time, so i doubt anyone thought anything of it. speaking of though, on my bike ride home from elizabeth's i saw a big blanket and a loaf a bread left on a bench in a park. i thought that little gesture was so sweet.

  2. yeah, that is good advice. dc people are always trying to out-drink each other. this really makes me want to go to new york!

  3. I went to a party Friday where the State Historian told me he ahd just hung out with someone wearing a "Drop Out Again" tee shirt. He asked me if'd I'd thought about dropping out again and we both laughed as that's about all I can think about some of the time. Loe yr stories Urs. Coooooool --a bum's nap. Something everyone should do
