Tuesday, June 2, 2009

last day in pdx

right now i'm sitting on alex and emmeline's couch waiting for my last load of laundry to get clean so that i can finish packing what i'm bringing, finish packing what i'm not bringing, and be truly ready to go. my flight leaves at 10:30 tonight, with a 7am arrival in nyc tomorrow morning. sadly enough sylvie is out of town right now, so instead of brunch with her my plan is to check out the richard avedon exhibit at the institute of photography then talk a stroll around manhattan before meeting up with the other american fellows at 3pm. i really can't believe that i'll be in new york tomorrow... or that i'll be in paris/copenhagen within the next few days. how time flies! my last post in my previous travel blog was nearly six months ago, but the memories are still so fresh i can hardly believe it. and now i'm off on another adventure! it will be strange to be traveling with a group, with a focus, and to be doing academic stuff. yikes, i'm nervous. i hope it will all go well, and i'll keep everyone posted!


  1. Hey, cool looking blog. Wish my F key wasn't crapping out. Keep us posted. Lots o love. got Gretch's rose cake pix--pretty of all. xoxoxox mutti

  2. We KNOW you'll do well, very well. And we want pictures of those TALL Danish men. XO Auntie G

  3. thanks, you two. right now i just got to nyc and am sooo tired! hopefully i'll get a chance to take a little nap before meeting up with the group!
